Completed Algorithm course by Princeton on Coursera

I’ve spent the last few weeks revisiting and studying algorithm by following Algorithm course by Princeton on Coursera. I’m glad to say that I’ve successfully completed the course with a satisfying grade.

The most important part of the course is learning the implementation of some of the most useful algorithms and data structures, such as array and linked list implementation of Stack, Queue; binary heap implmentation of Priority Queue; implementation of Mergesort and Quicksort; BST implementation of Symbol Tables, and the famous Red-Black search tree implementation.

Not only does the course teach how to implement the data structures mentioned above in a intuitive way, it also has practical assignments for you to complete. Each assignment took me 5 - 7 hours. The assignments involve using the data structures from the course to solve a real world problem. The grading system is quite thorough and strict though, especially the tests, so I spent quite a lot of time debugging to make sure that I have a correct implementation.

Final Grade